Monday, October 15, 2012


Well, here we go on our new Blog adventure for Dry Creek Design Inc. As of a few days ago, I didn't even know how to spell the word so this should be REALLY interesting.

Beth and I have been toying with the idea of combining full-service interior design services with some REALLY cool one-of-a-kind retail items, but needed to wait until we could find a space to house everything. And we have found it! We were able to rent the old hardware store in Wallowa, Oregon to run the business out of. It has SO much history and is exactly what we were looking for. It will be a work in progress for some time as we work at restoring portions of the building to fit our needs. The building comes complete with an old, ORIGINAL, staircase, a mezzanine level that wraps around three sides of the main room and seven rooms upstairs that Beth will use to display different interior design themes, using items we have either found, had brought in, or are on consignment from local vendors. We have some great local talent here, including the young ladies from Mildred and Maude, and the "picking" staff of

Current pictures of the building are available under the Projects tab, Beth's design work is located under the Beth's Interior Designs tab, and pictures of our one-of-a-kind items are under the Custom Work tab. Items that are for sale will be located under the Items for Sale tab, which will be added in the next couple of days. Please bear with us as we get the building ready and put everything in place.

My goal is to add something to the blog every day as we take you through our journey. Entries will include new items, updates on the condition of the building, new designs that Beth is working on, etc., but we want you to be part of the process. We value your input and your responses. There is one main reason we are doing this. We want to bring back the vitality to Wallowa, to be a part of bringing it back to what it once was. We want people to stop here in Wallowa while on their way to other locations within this beautiful county and support the local people by supporting the local businesses. We have a great Farmer's Market on Saturday's and are working on the idea of a Co-op. This is an AWESOME place to live, work and raise a family and we want to let other people in on the secret.

Many thanks need to go to our daughter, Kati, who has gone way above and beyond helping us to put together this blog and the accompanying Facebook page. We wouldn't be able to do this without her.

1 comment:

  1. I so admire your vision and drive. I always loved that old building and you are bringing forth it's beauty. It is almost magical. Spot On Lowe Family!!! Spot On!
